Job offers at the IfMB
We are currently looking for support for several projects at our institute. We look forward to receiving your application!
Tutoring and student assistants
Bio09 Tutoring
For the upcoming winter semester 2023/24 we are again looking for tutors for the module Bio09. Please apply by the end of July.
Doctoral reseachers
Apart from our open projects as advertised below, we also welcome (international) PhD researchers who bring their own funding. For more information on funding opportunities and scholarships during your doctorate, please visit the university's main page.
Doctoral reseachers in the Endesfelder Lab
The RG Endesfelder is looking for new PhD reseachers from July 2023.
Doctoral researchers in the Caspari Lab
The RG Caspari is looking for a PhD student for the DFG-funded project ‘Exploring Transit Peptides through Photosynthetic Restoration in Chlamydomonas’, application deadline: 14.03.2025
We also support and host PostDocs who bring their own funding (e.g. EMBO, Humboldt Foundation, Marie Curie, etc.). Further information on funding opportunities for PostDocs can be found on the university's main page.
PostDocs in the Endesfelder Lab
The RG Endesfelder is looking for a new PostDoc from July 2023. Advertisement will stay active until position is filled.