Under the guidance of Dr. Katharina Scherer and her co-workers, Lisa Övermöhle, Maximilian Baum and Talika Beneke, the young researchers set about preparing various samples in the microbiology labs with great enthusiasm and curiosity.
Particularly exciting: in the morning, they had the opportunity to look at microorganisms such as yeasts, bacteria and animal cells under the microscope and thus immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the smallest living organisms.
The lunch break was also put to good use. Equipped with RODAC plates, the pupils wandered through Poppelsdorf and eagerly collected samples of everything they could get their hands on.
The day was wrapped up with a visit to the neighboring Institute of Physical Chemistry: using high-tech laser microscopes, the students were able to examine samples such as mouse brains and organoids.
The 15-year-old students on their practical day:
‘I thought the trip was an interesting experience. The best part was the practical work with the microscopes.’
‘There were a lot of different things to do and I liked that we didn't just have to listen.’
‘I liked the laser microscope and the mouse brain.’
‘There was a lot to try out, which I liked.’